Who Owns the NFL

Who Owns the NFL? The Golden Goose of the Sports World

The excitement level of the fans kicks up a notch on game day Sunday. Players pound each others chests and helmets in an effort to pump up each other. Cheerleaders are dancing, coaches are yelling, and the beer is flowing. Some consider it the most popular sports league in the United States, but who owns the NFL?

It seems like no other sports league can quite generate the hype and showmanship of the NFL. It razzles, it dazzles, and leaves its spectators breathless. The commercials on television and radio are highly sought after, the merchandise is regularly sold out. Everyone wants a piece of the huge entertainment pie.

The NFL has been hugely successful both in the United States and around the world. And a select few are reaping most of the benefits. So who controls this giant sports bonanza? Is it the fans, the commissioner, the team owners? We can cross off the first two options for sure.

However, the NFL is not owned by a single or particular entity. There are 32 teams or franchises and each one has an owner. Together the 32 teams own and manage the NFL brand.

Who Owns the NFL? The Golden Goose of the Sports World

Each team may have a single owner, or may be family owned, or owned by a particular group of people. The exception is the Green Bay Packers who are owned by their 350,000 stockholders making them the only publicly owned franchise in the league.

Due to no one person or entity owning the league outright, an executive committee was created to oversee any changes to the league’s policies. Every team has a representative on the committee. Most of the time the representative for the team is the owner.

However, since the Green Bay Packers have a unique ownership their team president sits on the committee in their behalf. Other teams may also choose someone from their front office to represent them if they want.

Being an NFL team owner is prestigious and lucrative. Operating the sports behemoth may be complicated but it pays big dividends in money and power.

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