Which Team Has Not Won a World Series

Which Team Has Not Won a World Series? And Then There Are 5!

It might be hard to imagine; but at one point in baseball’s long reign, there was not one single champion. However, in the year 1903 history changes forever. During the first World Series the Boston Americans (the future Boston Red Sox); take down the Pittsburgh Pirates (5-3). Since this historic day, other teams have followed suit, adding to the legacy of MLB championships. Nonetheless, not every franchise is as fortunate; therefore, which team has not won a World Series?

Well, if you are counting and keeping track; there are currently 30 MLB teams in total. And up until 2023, 24 of them have successfully brought home a trophy. Yet, the Texas Rangers are now changing the history books.

With their elite 2023 postseason run, they are officially getting the proverbial monkey off their backs. For the first time in the franchise’s history they can rightfully say they are also World Series champions. Joining the ranks of the Yankees, Braves, Giants, Cubs, Mets and Dodgers. All thanks to their dominant playoff performances, as well as demolishing the Arizona Diamondbacks in just five games during the WS series.

With this major win, the Texas Rangers help move the needle. Instead of six teams being left to finally win it all. The number now dwindles down to just five. Which five?

Which Team Has Not Won a World Series? And Then There Are 5!

In no particular order, the Seattle Mariners, Milwaukee Brewers, Colorado Rockies, San Diego Padres; and Tampa Bay Rays have yet to hoist up the coveted Commissioner’s Trophy. These teams are all still looking for their first championship. With some being in the waiting game for much longer than others.

For instance, three of the teams listed above have been trying and failing to get a title since the sixties and seventies. Some fifty to sixty years just about. Whereas the Rays and Rockies have been trying since since the 90’s. Still several decades, but at least a little bit of a shorter timeframe.

To help put this all into prospective. Here are the five remaining teams along with their establishment years.

San Diego Padres (1969)

Milwaukee Brewers (1969)

Seattle Mariners (1977)

Colorado Rockies (1993)

Tampa Bay Rays (1998)

Therefore, it’s safe to say that for these teams, they “are not new to dis.’  They’ve been around the block numerous times. They know baseball is hard and takes the right formula of guys, managers, coaches, FO and money to win.

So then, who will be next? Who gets to erase their name from the “Cannots?” We will all have to just keep tuning into America’s favorite pastime to found out.

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