Tush Push Will Be Legal Play in 2024 Season

Tush Push Will Be Legal Play in 2024 Season- NFL Will Not Ban

Many teams try it, but the Eagles, like the New England Patriots of old (Tom Brady era); have perfected it. Nevertheless, with not every team able to get the move down pact; and with it causing some serious injuries to players attempting it in game. It has led some to wonder if it should be banned from the NFL moving forward. Well, the National Football League says the Tush Push will be a legal play in the 2024 season and thus far; there are no proposals in motion to terminate it.

Adam Schefter of ESPN, via social media, confirmed that the NFL is pretty firm in their stance that the Tush Push is a keeper and good for football. Schefter reveals,

“[The] NFL is leaving the ‘Tush Push’ as a legal play for the 2024 season. NFL executive Troy Vincent said today that there will not be any proposal presented this off-season to ban it for next season. ‘The Eagles,’ Vincent said on a conference call, ‘do it well.’”

Yet, the Tush Push did seem like it was about to be on chopping block. However, minds seem to be changing. The Inquirer also reported on Troy Vincent and the pushing play; they mention,

“After ‘lengthy discussion’ throughout the season with various committees; including the competition committee and the health and safety committee. Vincent said during a media briefing Thursday that ‘it was best to say leave it alone’ regarding any potential rule-change recommendations focused on the Tush Push for this season.

Last season, the competition committee was split on recommending a rule change. Vincent said that the Tush Push became one of the committee’s ‘three or four focus core areas;’ that it monitored this season. Meeting to discuss the play and other topics every four to five weeks. Vincent indicated that the overall stance on the play had shifted over the past season.”

So cool, the play shall live on to fight another day. It is a play that is very effective for teams. Especially when a team only needs extremely short yardage (a yard or less) to get a fresh set of downs.

Tush Push Will Be Legal Play in 2024 Season- NFL Will Not Ban

Also, it can be fun for fans to watch and behold. Since sometimes teams can get it done and mow the other team down. Or at other times, the whole line just gets stuffed.

Nevertheless, what about those who feel the Tush Push is just too dangerous for the O-line or defenders? Jeff Miller, the NFL’s executive vice president of communications, public affairs, and policy; has an answer. He says,

“There just wasn’t injury data that would give the committee the opportunity to make a decision. Concern? Sure, as we’ve discussed. But not the kind of injury data that Troy described that the committee would be looking for.”

Therefore, the NFL still cares about the welfare of its athletes. However, for the most part, no one gets banged up with the Tush Push more than any other play that occurs during the game. So then, for now it stays and you’ll be seeing next season.

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