Petco Park Rodeo

Petco Park Rodeo: PETA Scolds Padres for Not ‘Staying Classy’ San Diego

Ron Burgundy would have a lot to say about this one. There is to be a Petco Park Rodeo and the perception is not the best. Should the Padres reconsider being associated with this event?

Well, some entities and parties are asking San Diego to seriously think about canceling. For instance, currently PETA is verbally scolding the Padres for allowing their stadium to be utilized for a rodeo including animal “performers.” The ball club’s response back so far? Silence. The Padres are not following Ron Burgundy’s advice in Anchorman to “keep it classy”.

Instead they are plowing on ahead. They are hosting a rodeo at Petco Park Jan 12-14, 2024 and PETA is calling them out on it. Here’s a link to their official statement and release:

Petco Park Rodeo: PETA Scolds Padres for Not ‘Staying Classy’ San Diego

A few highlights from PETA’s recent plea; is an urging for the Padres to not only cancel the event but promise not to ever have one in the future. PETA writes:

“Disgusted by the announcement that the San Diego Padres will host a rodeo at Petco Park in January, PETA fired off a letter to Padres Chair Peter Seidler and CEO Erik Greupner pointing out that rodeos normalize animal abuse and urging the organization to cancel the event and commit to never hosting a rodeo in the future.

Rodeos are inherently inhumane, and animal welfare is never a priority in these events. Electric prods, sharpened spurs, and bucking straps are used to irritate, enrage, and cause pain to animals in order to make them “perform.” During these events, animals have often sustained punctured lungs, deep internal organ bruising, hemorrhaging, ripped tendons, torn ligaments and muscles, snapped necks, and broken ribs, backs, or legs. Many have died. Rodeos are nothing more than manipulative displays of human domination over other animals, thinly disguised as entertainment.

The Padres have many young fans who are still learning the difference between right and wrong. Imagine a young visitor who sees a terrified baby calf violently lassoed around the neck. It’s not farfetched to imagine that the child might try to replicate this kind of behavior on their own animal companions at home. By hosting this event, you would be directly responsible for normalizing animal abuse.”

Petco Park January 2024 Rodeo

Now, there’s always multiple angles for looking at things. For example, several MLB teams allow their stadiums to be used for events throughout the year; Petco Park is not the only venue doing this. However, it’s not a good look if your ballpark sponsor is a pet health and wellness company; yet you host an event where animals are often injured for entertainment. Many have even been banned in California.

The Petco brand’s slogan is even different now. They state that the store is “where the healthy pets go.” Healthy animals and rodeos don’t quite balance the scales. No one watches bucking and whipped animals and instantly thinks, “well that’s healthy!”

Therefore, the outward perception of this event is not the best. The Padres are also in the entertainment business; but this is not a good way to go. If the Padres want to become an International brand such controversial ways to make money are best avoided. Optics come into play when building a global franchise that is to be viewed as trusted, upscale and “family friendly.”

PETA and the Sports Industry

However, really all of major league baseball falls short of PETA’s standards. So does the NFL and NBA. All of these sports sell burgers, pizza, hot dogs and other food items incorporating meat.

Therefore, literally all of sports would have to be forever cancelled in order to comply. While no one wants a Roman Empire display of animal cruelty, the realistic truth is that meat is a part of the menu at all sports venues. And sports venues make a ton from concessions.

So then, is there a solution? Probably not. Money will always reign supreme. However, in the Padres case, if they wish to limit some of the negativity surrounding their very talented club; how they use their stadium and the name it bears; must come into play.

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