Nick Chubb Message to City of Cleveland As He Gets Set For Return

Nick Chubb Message to City of Cleveland As He Gets Set For Return

An absolute DAWG. He is ready, he is healed and he’s extremely thankful and appreciative to one particular sports city. On Wednesday, the Browns’ Nick Chubb released a message to the city of Cleveland as he gets set for his return.

Now if you may recall Nick Chubb went down on a play last season. It was gruesome. Had Theisman vibes (if you know, you know).

In fact, it was immediately deemed so bad, that the NFL broadcast vehemently refused to replay it. The only way fans got to see how bad it truly was, was thanks to social media or backing up their live game feed a little bit. Chubb’s knee literally went the opposite direction.

But now, Nick is ready to get back into the lineup. Get back into the action. But before he does he has a message for Cleveland.

Nick Chubb Message to City of Cleveland As He Gets Set For Return

His “letter” to the city of the Browns is LONG. But a very good read. He recounts his experiences from childhood on that shaped him, his amazing family history; how he got to the NFL, the injury and what helped him endure the trauma as well as ordeal. But here is a snippet:

“Damn, I really did that s*** again.”

That was my first thought after I went down against Pittsburgh last season. When you get hurt like I got hurt, the weird thing is that you don’t even really feel anything. But you hear everything. You hear that weird silence in the crowd. You can sense your teammates kind of gathering around you. 

You’re hearing a lot of “It’s gonna be alright, bro.”

That’s never a good sign. Once guys start getting down on one knee, you know it’s pretty bad. If it’s my teammates praying over me, maybe it’s just a bone bruise. Maybe I’ll be back by the playoffs. 

This was not my first rodeo. My sophomore year at Georgia, just as I was really starting to make a name for myself, I had one of those freak injuries that can end your career. I was just trying to finish out a run, get an extra yard … and the next thing I know my leg buckles under me kind of funny … and then the whole stadium goes silent. I didn’t even realize how bad it was until they loaded me into the police SUV to get me to the hospital, and I finally checked my phone. 

I had like 100 text messages. That’s never good when you’re in college. You’re not that important. I’m seeing prayer hands emojis. I’m seeing Bible verses. “Praying 4 you bro.” Oh Lord … what happened?

I go on Twitter and my name is trending. The first thing I see is a video of me. With one of those warnings like *GRAPHIC*

When I was lying on the ground against Pittsburgh, I wasn’t so naive anymore. I had so many metal nails and plates in my knee from the first one. I’m thinking: Please don’t let those nails be splintered all over my leg right now. I knew what rehab from something like this actually meant. I knew what nine weeks in a straight-knee brace does to a leg. When I finally got out and saw my leg the first time, it had atrophied down to the size of my arm. I thought I was never gonna walk the same again, let alone run. 

What’s amazing to me is how much support I had from the city of Cleveland. I know I’m not a guy who says a lot, but I do read the comments. I saw how much love you guys showed for me. In the NFL these days, that’s rare. It seemed like at times Browns fans were the only ones who weren’t seeing it as “just a business.” 

You believed, so I believed. 

I remember my agent calling me at the start of the off-season, when the rumors were swirling, and he told me that there was nothing to worry about. He had talked to the front office, and they definitely wanted me back. 

Now I think you understand what I mean when I tell you I was meant for this city. I’ve tried to work my a** off every day to get us where we need to go, and even though we have gotten close, I feel like I have serious unfinished business. That’s why it hurt me so bad to go down last season. We were just starting to cook……

I can’t stop until I prove to everybody that I’m the undisputed best running back in this league, and I definitely can’t stop until we get the Browns back to the top of the AFC. It’s been too damn long. 

When my agent called me to tell me the news, he said, “I’ve never actually had a front office tell me anything like this. But they said that part of the reason they never entertained cutting you is because of how much you mean to the city.”

That really meant the world to me. Look, I know the deal. I had no guaranteed money left. The Browns had all the leverage. They could’ve left me high and dry, like so many guys in this league. But they had my back. You all had my back. 

That’s enough talking for me. There’s only one thing left to do now. I gotta pay ya back. 

These rocks ain’t going to move themselves. Let’s work. 

— Nick

Trust us, this isn’t even half of what he wrote. But you can FEEL his passion for the game; and the desire to see the Browns succeed. We’re happy that Chubb was able to come back from yet another injury. And we wish him nothing but the best and success in the future.

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