NFL Will Broadcast a Playoff Game on Peacock

NFL Will Broadcast a Playoff Game on Peacock; A Step in the Wrong Direction for Fans

The customer is always right. However, these days, various industries and companies could care less about how their consumers feel. Case in point, the fact that the NFL will broadcast a playoff game on Peacock; charging fans for a single game that used to be free.

Of course, some viewers are going to pull a ‘Pirate of the Caribbean.’ Others will subscribe and cancel expeditiously the moment the game ends. However, this all really boils down to the principle of the matter. This signals the start of something financially ugly for NFL enthusiasts.

For one, it may be only $6 today. However, what about tomorrow? Once people are submitting and paying up, how much MORE money is NBC/ Peacock going to charge? Since we know that’s exactly what would occur.

To know that’s the truth… all you have to do is look at is the history of streaming services. Netflix at one time was less than $10. Now for an ad free premium experience you’re heading towards around $25/monthly. And no more sharing passwords.

Or, look at Disney Plus. Disney didn’t even believe people would subscribe to their service. Back in 2019 (when the service began), channel 2 News reports,

“Disney+ says it hit more than 10 million sign-ups on its first day of launch, far exceeding expectations. Disney didn’t break down where the subscriptions came from or if they were free or paid monthly or yearly. Some analysts thought it would take Disney a year to reach 10 million subscribers.”

Yet, very quickly greed becomes an issue. Literally, JUST MONTHS later. And this money hungry attitude only continues as the months go by. In fact, tech and electronics entity, CNET reports,

“Disney has increased the price of its streaming platforms each year since 2019, with the last hike imposed in the fall of 2022.”

Or, so we all thought. 2023 still had a surprise. According to TechRadar, for Disney Plus Premium (ad free); prices still rose. Regarding this, TechRadar states,

“As of October 12, 2023, the US saw a price hike on its ad free plans, from $10.99 a month/$109.99 a year to $13.99 a month/$139.99 a year. The annual plan still proves to be one of the best streaming deals, essentially getting 12 months for the price of 10.”

Jeez. Oh yeah… and also be thankful for such a deal! We’re going up on you, but it’s still ‘not bad.’

NFL Will Broadcast a Playoff Game on Peacock; A Step in the Wrong Direction for Fans

Getting back to the NFL. The problem is, is that people don’t want to have to pay for 10 different services just to get through one season. The goal for folks is to have an affordable viewing experience. Yet, after buying a NFL package of some sort, ESPN, FOX, and Peacock, etc. It starts to defeat the purpose of cord-cutting.

The very reason people are leaving cable in the Dark Ages; is now becoming an issue in the streaming world. While some people can afford to keep tacking on another $6 sub, what about everyone else? What about older people on limited budgets, or people without smart TVs?

Cutting out entire groups of people in favor of more revenue, seems like a step in the wrong direction. Sports is for entertainment. Football is entertaining.

Therefore, why should the NFL be picked apart and piece-mealed to the masses? Who walks into a dinner party, just to be told that only part of the meal is available; and if a guest wants the rest they must go to different houses in the neighborhood to retrieve it? Makes no sense.

What we all would like to happen is to see a package that allows fans to see everything. Would like to know playoff games aren’t going to be all over the place. However, when billions of dollars are being made it’s hard to hear the little voices at the bottom asking for something better. It seems as though the customer was silenced a long time ago; and the only way to be fully heard is to keep all wallets closed.

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