NFL Investigates Why Bengals Didn’t List Joe Burrow in Injury Report

NFL Investigates Why Bengals Didn’t List Joe Burrow in Injury Report- The Plot Thickens

In the realm of sports betting, injury reports matter. No one wants to put money on a guy who has one foot on the field and the other in surgeon’s office. However, injury reporting is taken seriously by the NFL in general; which is why there are growing concerns at Cincinnati’s quarterback and how things are being handled. In fact, now the wrist injury plot thickens… as of today, NFL investigates why Bengals didn’t list Joe Burrow in injury report.

Is there smoke? A little. However, there’s not enough evidence to suggest a full on fire of epic proportions.

Joe Burrow leaves the Thursday Night game, but there’s not much proof that he injured. Yes, there’s photos and videos of Burrow’s wrist with a band or strap around his wrist. However, he’s also holding iPad, or tablet looking device. No one likes to drop their electronics; so would a guy with a bad wrist confidently be walking holding very breakable things?

The fact is… no one really knows what device was on Joe’s wrist before the game. Just him and his team. And both are keeping quiet about it.

NFL Investigates Why Bengals Didn’t List Joe Burrow in Injury Report- The Plot Thickens

Nevertheless, is this really a problem? NFL says yes. ESPN’s Adam Schefter confirms the NFL’s feelings stating,

The NFL is investigating why the Bengals did not list QB Joe Burrow on their injury report. [Especially] when the team posted a picture of him wearing a device on his wrist Wednesday night. [Moreover] he appears to be hampered by the injury early in the Thursday night game that he later left, the league confirmed today. 

The initial picture of Burrow wearing a device that looked like a soft cast on his thumb was posted by the Bengals, only to be deleted later.

The NFL routinely looks into matters of compliance with the Injury Report policy. And will do so in this instance as well. Teams can be fined or even potentially lose a draft pick.

Yikes. So serious indeed. Will the NFL catch any foul play? We will keep you updated.

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