Maximum Football 2024

Maximum Football 2024- Delays, But Coming Along to Fruition

So what is going on with Maximum Football 2024? The truth? There are delays.

Of course, that has been obvious since the game has blown completely past early expectations of being available for MAC as well as Windows players during 2023. Now all platforms are being moved out to a release date in the year of our Lord, 2024. Nevertheless, since this game is going to be free for everyone. Literally, one of the first triple-A sports video games to not have a price tag; maybe it’s best to just hold our horses and see how this all plays out.

To catch anyone up who is not familiar with Maximum Football. Here’s a very brief, but helpful overview from the makers. They state,

“[In Maximum Football] lead your team to victory in the ultimate football simulation. As head coach, make all the decisions, from drafting your roster to calling the plays. The Maximum Football universe has been completely overhauled to deliver players an ultra realistic experience that is entirely free to play.”

Sweet. Hours of fun. Furthermore, Maximum Football ‘24 is scheduled to be released on Steam, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Some background intel on this particular title, is that Canuck Games used to develop it. However, nowadays it is developed by Invictus Games Ltd. and published by Modus Games. Of course, after Modus bought the rights to this title a few years back.

Maximum Football 2024- Delays, But Coming Along to Fruition

After a promising 2021 announcement about the Maximum Football video game living on; things have… well, slowed. Of course, gamers are probably already looking shifty eyed at this product, because it is free. Since as history suggests, a lot of times free games just are not as good, or exhilarating to play. However, in Invictus we trust, so hopefully things might be better?

Via Steam there’s been plenty of updates passed along through the masses. For instance, one DEV Note reveals aspects of the game itself. Development (Micah Brown, Development Director for MXFB) says,

One of our main features in Maximum Football is Dynasty. Creating a mode that you can manage, coach, recruit, play, and forge a college dynasty is one of our driving forces at the studio. Over the next few weeks we’ll be tuning the experience from top to bottom including U.I. polish and squashing final bugs. We continue to make menus more user friendly and easier to read with more information.

A visually appealing format and a user flow that makes sense are also at the forefront of our menu design.”

Well, if things are coming along… what is the issue? The minds behind Maximum Football provide a short answer. The team is not quite happy with their work yet. And they said so in a letter.

Maximum Football ‘24- A Letter to the Community

Have you had a chance to read the letter? If not, here it is in its entirety below.
Maximum Football Community,

We can’t express enough gratitude for the excitement and anticipation shown from you all for Maximum Football. Our ambition for this project from the start has been to create a Free to Play, Physics Driven, Customizable football experience within deep Collegiate and Pro atmospheres. To that end, the development team is working hard to deliver a new and exciting experience at the quality level that meets this ambition and lets you etch your own story in sports greatness.

Therefore, after much evaluation, the team has decided to move the Steam Early Access launch to Fall of 2023 [Note: this timeframe has changed].

We share your passion for gaming and the sport of football, and we know this is the right decision for Maximum Football and its fans. Thank you for your patience in waiting a little bit longer to get on the field.

Look for more in-depth information as we get closer to Early Access, and follow our social media channels and join our Discord for more updates.

The Maximum Football Team”
Well, have to give the team credit for not wanting to put a game out that’s lacking. Moreover, it is also nice that they are willing to be more upfront and less secretive about the situation. Even taking time for some Q&A.

MXFB 2024- Questions and Answers

We’re not going to share every question and answer (otherwise this read is going to be EXTREMELY long). However, here are a few topics/decisions that really stuck out to us.

Question: Why the delay?

Answer: Even though we’ve been pleased with the progress of development thus far, we feel that to deliver a title that meets or exceeds expectations more time is needed for development.

Question: What is Early Access?

Answer: Early Access is a place where games are playable in an alpha or beta state while they are under continued development. Games in Early Access should be considered unfinished. The reason for Early Access is it allows gamers to play and provide feedback to help shape a game and its features.

Question: Why bring MXFB to Steam Early Access instead of releasing the full game?

Answer: We believe that providing access to players in an early state allows us to gather crucial feedback from the community to build the best possible experience.

Question: Is GAMEPLAY still your focus?

Answer: Yes! Gameplay has always been our focus for Maximum Football. We have been polishing and tweaking our gameplay as seen with recent DEV DIARIES and NOTES. We are incredibly passionate about getting it right and nailing a formula you’ll enjoy. It’s one of the prime reasons for the delay. We want to turn a few more screws before unleashing it in Early Access.

Final Detail

When will early access be since it did not occur in fall 2023? Word on the street is now early 2024. Also, there’s a new big update coming out about Maximum Football 2024 and we share that as soon as it drops.
**Also, please remember that the screenshots at the outset of this feature are not final. The DEV team states that the game will look different at the time of release. However, the provided shots still help to give a good feel and idea of what the game will resemble.

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