Magic Johnson Remembers Los Angeles NBA Icon Jerry West

Magic Johnson Remembers Los Angeles NBA Icon Jerry West

The love continues to pour in for a man who helped change the face of the National Basketball Association forever. Fellow purple and gold star, Magic Johnson takes a moment to remember Los Angeles NBA icon Jerry West, who sadly passed away this morning at 86 years old. Johnson recounts how and when he first met Jerry and how he helped him during the beginning of his illustrious professional career; and throughout its entirety. Johnson says,

“I met Jerry West for the first time in 1979 at the Forum where he introduced me to Bill Sharman, Chick Hearn, and then Laker owner Jack Kent Cooke. My father, agent and I negotiated over lunch then Jerry took me to the locker room to show me my Lakers jersey. I started to cry and Jerry explained to me the expectation of wearing the purple and gold, how he saw my role, and how he envisioned me fitting into the organization. I’ll never forget that moment.
When training camp began, he gave me so many golden nuggets and really critiqued every facet of my game. After every practice he would give me notes on how I could get better and those sessions carried over to the regular season. Once a week we went over what I needed to improve and how I could dominate in the league. Those meetings meant everything to me because I learned so much from him.
We had a basketball camp in Hawaii called the Jerry West Magic Johnson Fantasy Camp for 20 years. At the camp we shared every meal together and that’s when we really bonded and solidified our great friendship outside of the Lakers. Jerry West was more than a general manager, he was a great friend and confidante. He was there in my highest moments, winning 5 NBA Championships, and in my lowest moment when I announced my HIV diagnosis and we cried together for hours in his office.
Every time I achieved a goal or crossed a milestone, one of the first calls I received was from Jerry West. When I started my business, was inducted into the Naismith Hall of Fame, was named Lakers President of Basketball Operations – he would always pick up the phone and give me a personalized call to congratulate me.”

Nice memories. Furthermore, Magic finishes his thoughts by reminding Lakers fans the true impact of Jerry West on the franchise. West’s resumé as a NBA executive is just as powerful as anything he did as a player on the court.

Magic Johnson Remembers Los Angeles NBA Icon Jerry West

West was the Man. He was Him. And his decision making solidified such facts. With this in mind, Magic Johnson concludes:

“Beyond his basketball accolades as a basketball player and NBA executive. Jerry West was a great man, a leader of men, fiercely loved his family and friends. And despite holding jobs with other franchises, he was a Lakers fan for life.

Laker Nation, the only reason we have 17 NBA championships is because of Jerry West and his expertise. Drafting players, trading for players, and hiring the right coaches. Today is a sad day for basketball fans and sports fans across the globe.

Cookie and I are just devastated and continue to lift up his beautiful wife Karen; sons David, Mark, Michael, Ryan and Jonnie, extended family, and loved ones in prayer.”

Very well written. Nicely thought out. Jerry West is a true legend who will not be forgotten. And a shining example on how to utilize your talents in the most kind, efficient and beneficial ways possible.

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