Madden 2025

Madden 2025 Release Date and New Game Details

First of all… What are they going to call it? Will it be Madden 2025? Or will it just be Madden ‘25?

There’s been major debate among NFL video game fandoms and throughout social boards in regards to the upcoming Madden edition. Since the Madden 25 name is already “taken;” there’s been a growing feeling that the game and the powers that be; will need to come up with something else. However, that is not the case.

Money is money. And giant corporations and entities don’t care about little nuisances and details like us fans and users. They just plow on full speed ahead.

As a result, EA Sports and developers will probably still continue on as business as usual. Going with next year’s release as Madden 2025 or Madden NFL 2025. While consumers and gamers will shorten it to just Madden 25 for kicks. Therefore, all will in one accord act like the first Madden 25 title is some myth in a dragon liar; that shall never be spoken of again. The end.

Madden 2025 Release Date and New Game Details

So then, since naming will most likely not be an issue; when can consumers expect to get their hands on Madden 25? Users will be able to enjoy the new Madden drop beginning next summer. EA has a date set for 2024, during the month of August. Therefore, this particular game title is looking like a very late summer release.

Moreover, Electronic Artists is busy adding features to make this game worth dragging out the release date to late in the year. For one thing, they are improving the commentary. In real life, when you tune into a NFL broadcast and have to endure the takes and game-calling from a commentator that makes nails scratching a chalkboard more enjoyable; you immediately begin to praise the man that invented the mute button.

However, with Madden, we are finally getting some relief in this regard. There will be more choice available. Madden 25 will boast multiple announce teams, thus allowing users to choose their commentary team. How many commentary teams and who will exactly be involved; is yet to be revealed. But this little revelation will definitely make gameplay even more interesting and exciting. Very important, since many have come to feel bored with the rinse and repeat editions of Madden year after year.

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