Katie Ledecky Dominates 1500m Freestyle Qualifying for 2024 Paris Olympics

Katie Ledecky Dominates 1500m Freestyle at Olympic Swimming Trials

Katie Ledecky just swam the FASTEST women’s 1500m freestyle time in the world this year, beating… Katie Ledecky. Yeah, read that back again and really let it sink in. She also now holds the 19 fastest times in this particular endurance race. The woman is literally in a competition with herself at this point. Tonight, Katie Ledecky dominates the 1500m freestyle at Olympic swimming trials.

The Olympics shall commence on July 26th. With all the swimming events taking place from Saturday, July 27th to Sunday, August 4th. Therefore, every qualifying country is putting the finishing touches on rosters and lineups that will represent their country’s official team.

Laine Higgins a sports writer for the Wall Street Journal sums up Ledecky’s impressive performance as well as the 1500m results. Higgins says,

“Shocker, Katie Ledecky wins the 1500m in 15:37.35. She now has the 19 fastest swims all time in that event. As fast as that was, she doesn’t look thrilled with her time.

Joining her in Paris is Katie Grimes (15:57.77), who has already qualified in the 400 IM and 10k open water.

[Furthermore] some insanity from Katie Ledecky’s swim:

Her 4:05 400m split would have made Team USA (assuming she wasn’t also in lane 4 going 3:58)

Her 8:15 800m split is faster than everyone else’s seed time in that event.”

Laine certainly called it. Katie was not very happy with her time; despite all onlookers praising her on a job well done. Watching her emerge from the pool it is clear the competitor in her knows she can still go to yet another level. Regarding this, Nicole Auerbach a senior journalist for The Athletic reports,

“To the surprise of literally no one, Katie Ledecky has won the 1500 free by a great distance. She touches in 15:37.35 and waits for everyone else.

‘I would have liked to be a little faster,’ said Katie Ledecky, who beat the second-place finisher by 20 seconds.”

Katie Ledecky Dominates 1500m Freestyle Qualifying for 2024 Paris Olympics

As one can see Ledecky is in full on BEAST MODE. And she is one hardworking woman. This is going to be Katie Ledecky’s fourth Olympics appearance. Meaning she has been wowing us all for some 12 years at the summer games.

However, it is crystal clear that Ledecky is laser focused on proving why she is the GOAT, the female Michael Phelps; and deserves to have some more respect put on her name. Bronze or silver will not suffice. It’s about bringing home the gold, and by the looks of things Ledecky could even set a record or two in the process.

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