Peter King announcing his retirement

Industry Reacts to Peter King Announcing His Retirement

The entire sports industry is already reacting to the news of Peter King announcing his retirement. You’ll be hard pressed to find one bad thing about the guy; because he truly was one of the best. One of the GOATs of sports journalism.

ESPN’s Adam Schefter is one of the first to send good wishes and praises for King after this sudden announcement. Schefter states,

“Congratulations to the Hall-of-Fame reporter and storyteller Peter King, who announced he is “retiring*”. Nobody went where he did, interviewed who he did, and loved what he did more than Peter. He is a legend. Monday mornings, and this business, won’t be the same without him.”

Additionally, John McClain (yippie ki-yay)… who has covered the NFL from Houston for 48 years mentions,

“Peter King is going to get a lot of offers to continue his career in some fashion. Choose wisely, but enjoy your “retirement” by spending as much time as possible with your family and friends. Watch games as a fan, not as one of the best reporters in sports journalism history.”

Moreover, Sam Farmer of the LA TIMES chimes in as well. Regarding King, Farmer says,

“The retiring Peter King is truly one of a kind. He’s incurably curious, perpetually gathering, trading, sharing information. Not fleeting technical tidbits but human stuff that humans care about. Such passion for people and the job. Unfailing in his generosity. Irreplaceable.”

Legendary Sports Writer Peter King Announces His Retirement

Irreplaceable is definitely the perfect descriptive term to use about Peter King. A man who brought forth sports news in a well-researched and highly respected manner. The gold standard of journalism.

However, we think it’s best to allow King himself to sun up his journey and why he’s looking towards the next chapter in his life and legacy. In his weekly column, Football Morning in America, Peter writes,

“I’m retiring*. I use an asterisk because I truly don’t know what the future holds for me,” King wrote. “I probably will work at something, but as I write this I have no idea what it will be. Maybe it will be something in the media world, but just not Football Morning in America (nee Monday Morning Quarterback).

Don’t mean to be so deep; many of you who know me understand I’m pretty shallow. But I’ve found myself wondering, Am I meant to do one thing from the time I walk out of college until the day they put me in the ground?” King wrote. “And who knows — I may find myself jonesing to do something in the media when I’m bored in three months. But it’s like when Atlanta writer Jeff Schultz retired in December and said, ‘Let me get bored. I want to know what that feels like.’ That resonated. I know I’ll want to do something with my time eventually. I just don’t know what it is.”

Peter… whatever you decide, everyone wishes you the very best. You’re a class act, inside and out. Enjoy retirement, but if you come back, we’ll all be waiting with open sports arms.

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