How Much Do Waterboys Make in the NFL?

When Adam Sandler gave us the hilarious hit comedy movie The Waterboy it made some of us pay attention to a profession we may not have given much thought to before. Bobby Boucher was a dedicated, hard-working water connoisseur who took his waterboy responsibilities seriously. So, how much do waterboys make in the NFL you may wonder and are they really necessary?

Of course Bobby Boucher worked for a college team but that didn’t make his job any less important. No matter if a waterboy is working for a professional team or within the college ranks, keeping the team hydrated is an absolute must.

The football players in the movie initially mocked Bobby’s efforts to provide them with some clean, refreshing H2O, but gradually they came to appreciate his efforts. You will too once you find out what they really do for their respective teams.

How Much Do Waterboys Make in the NFL?

Actually, you may find it surprising to know that waterboys can earn about $53,000.00 a year to start. Depending upon their experience their pay can be even higher. In addition, they get other perks like traveling and hanging out with the players. However, that’s because they do more than just hand out cups of water or branded electrolytes, or hand out clean towels while disposing of used towels.

In fact, they are trainers and a part of the athletic training staff. They most likely attended college and earned a degree in athletic training. Learning how to treat players’ injuries and helping the players to stay healthy helps them hone their craft.

How do we know this? Because we literally got the inside scoop from former NFL player Jake Thieneman via his tiktok account jake.thieneman. Thanks Jake!

How Much Does a NFL Waterboy Make?

So, apparently the moral of this story is that the job title of waterboy does not do those professionals justice. They are actually highly trained and skilled individuals who are dedicated to making a career out of player safety and health. The next time a team wins a game perhaps they should consider giving the waterboys a Gatorade bath instead of the coaches.

Or maybe a nice tall glass of some cool, refreshing H2O in a jewel encrusted trophy?

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