How Much Do NFL Cheerleaders Make

How Much Do NFL Cheerleaders Make?- Can You Quit Your Day Job?

Players on your favorite professional football team make tons of money; however, how much do NFL Cheerleaders make? These individuals are very much apart of the organizations that they scream, shout as well as celebrate for every Monday, Thursday and Sunday. Nevertheless, their bank accounts tell a much different story.

The profession of cheer-leading has come a long way. Did you know that cheer squads in the NFL go all the way back some almost 90 years? It’s true!

Back in 1931 the Green Bay Packers formed a rambunctious cheering squad then known as the Packerettes. The iconic cheese-heads aka The Green Bay Packers are actually one of the first NFL teams ever to have a professional cheering squad.

Furthermore, in 1945, the Baltimore Colts create Baltimore’s Marching Colts. By many accounts and opinions, the Baltimore Colts are the first team to utilize cheerleaders.

As time went on, more and more teams join into the cheering frenzy. The fans love it. Players appreciate the extra motivation. Therefore, a new occupation is born!

How Much Do NFL Cheerleaders Make?- Can You Quit Your Day Job?

Yet, is it lucrative? In a word: no. According to a NBC News report, on average most cheerleaders only pull in about $150 per game.

In this same report, NBC states that this still works out to around $22,500 a year. If you think the math isn’t mathing; this is because you are leaving out a few duties. Besides being at games, cheerleaders attend other events throughout the season. They also are apart of various merch for their respective teams; such as yearly calendars.

So then, yes while athletes make millions in contract money. Unfortunately, although cheer-leading has indeed become a fixture in the NFL; the compensation does not reflect that. There have been law suits made to try to correct this; but only time will tell if teams will one day fork over more coins in the name of team spirit.

How Much Does a NFL Cheerleader Make

Although, cheerleaders do not make a lot salary-wise; that’s not to say there are not any perks in it for them. For instance, many cheerleaders are REALLY into the sports that they cheer for every season. This means they get paid to watch their favorite sports and oftentimes be right on the field. Not a bad gig for a pure sports fan!

Additionally, thanks to the invention of social media; more opportunities open up for a member of a cheer-leading team. Now fans can follow, like and grow the audience of their favorite team’s cheerleaders. With such a following, cheerleaders can score additional TV appearances, sponsorships or other brand deals to rake in more cash.

Moreover, with there being a flurry of socials to choose from (TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, etc.); cheerleaders can become their own brands and use their name or entity to even start their own companies. This new age of technology is opening up new doors and options for cheerleaders. Therefore, although salaries have never been the best; nowadays the cheerleader bank account can be a lot fuller.

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