How many challenges are in an NFL game

How Many Challenges Are In An NFL Game?

Is there anything worse than a blown call by a referee in an intense game? There probably is but still it can be very annoying for faithful fans to have their team get a bad call. The good news is that coaches can challenge some calls. So how many challenges are in an NFL game for a coach to use? It’s a small number so coaches have to be judicious in using them.

A coach needs to be as close as possible to 100% sure that a challenge should be used. Team staff members in the viewing box can help the coach make a decision; if they have a chance to watch the replay. They can let the coach know if winning the challenge is likely or not. However, there is not a lot of time to make the decision so the coach has to be quick.

So let’s get into the nitty gritty of challenges. In each game, a team is permitted two challenges. The Head Coach initiates the challenge by throwing the red flag onto the field of play. This must be done before the next legal snap or kick. The challenge requires the use of a team timeout. If the challenge is won or upheld the timeout is restored to the team. If the second challenge is used and is successful a third challenge will be awarded to the team.

Based on the rules, this is why a Head Coach has to be cautious when challenging plays. He could cost the team a valuable timeout. Or he could waste a challenge that he may need later in the game.

How Many Challenges Are In An NFL Game?

As fans we may think it’s no big deal to decide when to use a challenge. I know I’m guilty of yelling at the TV, “Challenge it!” But it’s not always clear cut. Sometimes there is simply no good angle of the play. Or there may not be time for the Head Coach to see the replay. So he has to shoot from the hip so to speak. However, they get paid the big bucks to make the tough decisions.

And sometimes, even when the call seems cut and dried, the referee still doesn’t get the call right! But still, I am happy that the challenges exist. They definitely add to the intrigue of the game. I look forward to seeing the red flags fly in the upcoming season.

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