How long are NFL quarters

How Long Are NFL Quarters?

You might think this is a silly question. After all asking how long are NFL quarters should be self-explanatory. A quarter of an hour is 15 minutes. And the length of an NFL game is 60 minutes. Therefore, an NFL quarter should be 15 minutes. That is the correct answer. An NFL quarter is a period of 15 minutes.

Since that is the case then why does the average NFL game last for 3 hours and 12 minutes?! When I was a little kid I used to wonder that all the time. I asked my uncle why the game lasted so long if it was only supposed to be an hour. He just laughed at me and told me to go play with my toys. Well that of course ticked me off. How dare he not answer what I thought was a reasonable question?

So from that day forward I was determined to get the answer to my question. And in the process became a fan of the game. Eventually I learned that there are a lot of clock stoppages during the game. If there is an incomplete pass, the clock stops. Need to review a ruling on the field? The clock stops. If a player been injured, the clock stops. You get the point right? There are any number of reasons to stop the game clock.

However, even with all the clock stopping going on the game can still be fun and exciting. On the other hand if the game hardly has any action going on, it can become tedious. So it helps if there is a lot of passing, or running the ball and putting points on the board. When that happens you tend to not notice a lot of clock stopping.

How Long Are NFL Quarters

It also helps to cut down on stopping the clock when a clean game is played. That means not a lot of penalty flags are being thrown by the referees. The referees are divided into crews and each crew is assigned to a game every week during the season. Some crews are well known for throwing flags constantly. Other crews try to be consistent in when and how they call penalties in the interest of fairness.

At any rate, we fans have to grin and bear the clock stoppages. We just hope to get four good quarters of football. Even if it takes over three hours to make that happen, lol.

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