FIFA Women's World Cup Tournament Has Not Disappointed

FIFA Women’s World Cup Tournament Has Not Disappointed

We told you not to sleep on the women and we were right. The FIFA Women’s World Cup Tournament has not disappointed fans and onlookers. As Wide World of Sports announcer Jim McKay said, “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” was seen over and over during the matches. While Sweden has been playing lights out, the United States did not meet expectations.

I’m not by any means trying to disparage the American women. They were favorites going into the tournament but things did not work out the way we had hoped. There are plenty of reasons as to what may have gone wrong and I won’t get into them. What I will say is that anyone who can compete at the highest levels of their sport should be applauded for their efforts whether they win or lose. So congratulations to the American women for competing against the best of the best. We’ll see you again in four years.

Speaking of Sweden they have been playing like the rent is due. They handed a stunning defeat to the Japanese women who very nearly pulled off a comeback. The elimination of the former World Cup champions means that we will have a new winner of the Women’s World Cup. Certainly, that keeps the tournament fresh and exciting. It can get boring having the same teams win all the time. That’s no disrespect to the New England Patriots glory days lol.

FIFA Women’s World Cup Tournament Has Not Disappointed

The time has flown by with this competition. There have been so many exciting moments that really made the matches special. In a little over a week the magical event will come to the end. But it’s not over yet. The semifinals are coming up.

It will be Spain vs Sweden and Australia vs England. Who will finally take the Cup? Who will score the winning goal? Who will be left devastated? I’m going to go ahead and predict Sweden to win it all. They have just been playing with wild abandon and loving every second of it and so have I! But then sometimes it’s the team nobody expects to win that snatches victory from the jaws of defeat. So who you got?

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