Fernando Tatis Jr 2023 Platinum Glove Winner

Fernando Tatis Jr 2023 Platinum Glove Winner-King of Right Field

What a year. When the 2023 season began, several live broadcasts capture the great El Niño struggling in his new position. He’s attempting to learn the correct routes to take and how to anticipate handling various batting situations. Yet, flash forward and the Padres legend does something completely unheard of… Fernando Tatis Jr 2023 Platinum Glove Winner, for right field!

Right fielders normally do not win Platinum Gloves. However, Fernando does; and during his first season at the position! This achievement is totally wild when you ponder how many felt Tatis’ year would go.

For instance, a lot of people doubted if he could play the outfield and if he would pout or half-try because he wasn’t playing shortstop. Additionally, some felt his long absence from the game would also be a factor in poor play. Since due to a series of events Tatis misses a whole year of playing. Also, during this time period he’s healing up from multiple surgeries (wrist and shoulder).

Moreover, doubts come to the surface of whether Fernando could even stay healthy and be in the lineup every day for a full season. Especially because he’d never done it before since his professional start in the major league. However, these unfortunate naysayers would prove to be wrong. After overcoming numerous challenges, obstacles and hurdles; Tatis wins the coveted platinum glove.

No one foresees this. Even with Fernando’s immense talent; don’t think anyone could have anticipated this fantastic outcome. Yet, here we all are with history being written. Amazing.

Fernando Tatis Jr 2023 Platinum Glove Winner-King of Right Field

Nevertheless, this award must feel so redeeming for Tatis. Yes, his talent gets him halfway there. However, this is an accolade that also depends on fan voting and support.

For a guy that starts the season with intense booing from multiple fandoms of team franchises. To becoming the very FIRST right fielder to win a platinum glove. Such sweet redemption!

Therefore, it’s not just the league recognizing Fernando for his defensive skills; but MLB fans too. Also, Tatis is receiving plenty of support right within the Padres organization. For example, Mike Shildt is credited for heavily helping Tatis during all of his turmoil and rehabbing. Shildt’s assistance obviously pays off, seeing that Tatis’ confidence and skills continue to only improve and grow.

Furthermore, Padres CF Trent Grishom also has glowing words regarding Shildt’s helpful role. Trent says,

“He cares about the players. I think he cares about humans in general. It’s really, really cool to see that in a person, especially in this place. Sometimes it’s a hostile environment, professional sports. We’re here to compete and win. But to see a presence like that, somebody that really cares for people wants to help people, it’s really cool.”

Recently, Mike Shildt interviewed for the Padres’ open manager vacancy. With players appreciating the heck out of the guy, and Tatis winning a Platinum Glove; Padres may have a new winning skipper right before their eyes. Time shall tell.

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