Deion Sanders Elevate and DOMINATE

Deion Sanders Elevate and DOMINATE: 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field

Deion is ALL about excellence. From being an elite athlete in major league baseball and the NFL; to at one point being the NFL’s highest paid defensive player; and now one of college football’s most popular as well as discussed coaches. This man is confident and his outlook continues to make him an even more lucrative successful. Nonetheless, now you can get some help from the legend himself with his new book. Deion Sanders Elevate and DOMINATE: 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field!

While some continue to be negative towards Colorado, Sanders is not listening to any of the naysayers. He’s working hard and putting the Buffs on the map. Losses were inevitable; but they will not stop the show or team from progressing forward. Regarding this season Deion states,

“It’s No way we can be satisfied with what we see, what we know to be true, what we think, what we expect & what we need. We’ve got to get out our own way, out of our simple minds & Believe that we can have it. You’ve got to Believe in the Impossible right now.

I’ve learned to accept the bad with the good because if it weren’t for bad I wouldn’t know what Good is.

Lawd I can’t wait to see our team tomorrow and get back to work.”

The words of a true leader. Deion is instilling unshakable confidence too. Junior adds to his dad’s sentiments, THEY WILL NEVER TAKE OUR CONFIDENCE AWAY: A Loss Won’t Make Me A Loser.

It sure won’t! However, to keep such a mindset, you have to truly live positively on a daily basis. This is exactly what Deion encourages. He says,

“Keep moving forward & don’t look back. Where you’re headed is much greater than where you’ve been so get ready baby. Stop focusing on the pitfalls of yesterday & embrace the unknown of today. You have promise & hope. Now just Believe!”

Deion Sanders Elevate and DOMINATE: 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field

Do you want to learn how to develop such a winner and champion attitude/philosophy. Well, Sanders wants to teach you how it’s possible. He’s releasing a new book beginning of 2024. In regards to the release, the energetic and talented Deion reveals,

“Elevate and DOMINATE: 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field… available for pre-sale NOW!! Life’s filled with ups and downs, trials and tribulations, decisions that’ll make you choose between LEFT or RIGHT… I’ve been through almost everything one can experience in life, here are 21 WAYS that I’ve put to paper that navigated me to my definition of success and can help you define yours and reach your destination.”


As more details regarding the book comes to the fore we will be sure to update you. Currently, Elevate and DOMINATE: 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field is available for preorder. Check it out HERE.

The hard cover edition will cost $28.99. However, do your prefer digital copy? No problem, Deion’s book will also be available in e-book format for the tune of $14.99.

What about audio? Now you should know by now that Coach Prime has you covered! You’ll be able to enjoy the book via audio for just $23.99.

Furthermore, as we mentioned this drop is not occurring till early 2024. Therefore, if you miss presale just mark your calendars. Deion’s latest masterpiece will be available March 12, 2024.

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