Dawn Staley Accepts Jimmy V Award for Perseverance at 2024 ESPY Awards

Dawn Staley Accepts Jimmy V Award for Perseverance at 2024 ESPY Awards; Makes Plea for Women’s Pay

Dawn Staley is one of the best coaches in sports. She works hard, and works even harder to help others. Dawn is tireless in her efforts to move women’s sports forward and strengthen those affected by cancer. Having had her sister diagnosed with leukemia and sadly lost a close friend to breast cancer. Nevertheless, Staley’s heartfelt focus for a better future was especially clear during her recent acceptance speech. For as Dawn Staley accepted the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance at the 2024 ESPY Awards; she not only humbly acknowledged the impact of colleagues and those who came before her. But she also made a brief plea in regards to women’s pay in sports.

During Staley’s moving acceptance the audience hears several expressions of modesty. Dawn says,

“I must confess I feel a little undeserving of this recognition. Past recipients of the Jimmy V Perseverance Award have faced incredible challenges and proven themselves as true warriors. I have merely been a spectator to such immense courage and resilience.

It’s crazy to think that a young girl that didn’t even want to play basketball is now up in the running for even one ESPY.”

Well, Dawn may not think she is deserving. But her actions speak otherwise. Moreover, she hopes her example helps to empower those she coaches and others watching her do her job. Staley goes on to state,

“How do I not fight injustice when I ask them to do things the right way?” Staley said. “How do I not ask for fairness when I ask them not to cheat themselves, not to cut corners? How do I not fight for equity when I tell them they can climb as high as they want, they can be all they want?

How do I not fight pay disparity when I do the same job and get paid less but win more? They’re watching me; I can’t ask them to stand up for themselves if I’m sitting down, nor can I ask them to use their voice to affect change if I’m only willing to whisper. So, when someone tells me to ‘shut up and coach,’ I simply say, No. I have a job to do.”

Dawn Staley Accepts Jimmy V Award for Perseverance at 2024 ESPY Awards; Makes Plea for Women’s Pay

While some will make the argument that Staley is making millions. So why speak out? The truth is: Staley’s $3.1 million salary this year is the second-highest among women’s coaches BUT would rank 38th among men’s coaches. And without naming names, Staley has won more than many of male coaches making more than her.

However, things are changing. There’s many reasons why this issue will continue to work itself out. More people are watching women ballers than ever before; and such a stage is bringing awareness, attention and new opportunities. Bigger audiences, mean bigger paydays. So as long as growth continues to take shape; so will everything else.

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