Bob Melvin Interviewing with Giants- A True ‘What About Bob’ Postseason Moment

In a story that’s just as wacky as the 80s movie “What About Bob” …. the Padres still invite speculation about the future of their veteran manager. How? With news of Bob Melvin interviewing with Giants, a direct division rival of the San Diego franchise.

This is all strange and odd; especially if you take into account what has happened since the Padres’ elimination from playoffs contention. Allow me to briefly refresh your memory. First of all, Peter Seidler in his statement right after the 2023 season’s conclusion; states that it is his desire that “his leadership team” remains intact, in order to evaluate the barely over .500 season.  This signaled that both Preller and Melvin would come back in 2024.

However, shortly after this statement there’s a Zoom press meeting where General Manager AJ Preller; alone answers questions. Bob is clearly missing, but Preller insists there’s nothing wrong and there’s unity on all fronts. Yet, even this ‘public display’ did not completely rule out Bob Melvin leaving the Padres.

Why not? Well, even though Preller stated, Bob would be back in 24’ repeatedly. When asked what the Padres would say, if any team asked to interview Bob Melvin; Preller swiftly dodged the question.

Moreover, Associated Press reporter Bernie Wilson adds to the fire; as he is first to report a direct quote from Bob Melvin about his management status. Melvin tells Wilson that he is coming back to manage the Padres next year. However, something still isn’t sitting quite right.

Bob Melvin Interviewing with Giants- A True ‘What About Bob’ Postseason Moment

Andrew Baggarly of The Athletic, who covers the Giants has repeatedly stated that the situation is in flux. That Bob Melvin would be open to considering a return to the Bay Area. Open to managing elsewhere.

Nevertheless, all it would take to end the hoopla and speculation; would be for Bob Melvin to be on a Zoom being asked by the media, what his true plans are for next season. Or for Bob Melvin, and AJ Preller to show the world that they can stand to be in a room at the same time together with media firing away.  The fact that the Padres seem content to allow this cloudy circus to continue; rather than truly stating unequivocally Bomel is 100% coming back. Leads one to think the door is still WIDE open to Bob Melvin to pack his bags, leaving the Padres for good.

Nonetheless, Melvin has one year left on his contract which traditionally has meant he would be a “lame duck” manager. Meaning that he would have no long-term security. Mostly likely out the door anyway.

However, nowadays such a term is not such a big deal anymore. Besides all of the major Padres players will be here in San Diego long term. Much longer than any manager would be; and definitely outlasting Melvin’s tenure. Therefore, I don’t think it really matters if Bob has one year left on his contract or three years.

Since Bob IS still under contract, the Padres would have to give him permission to interview with another team. Plus, possibly also even require compensation from the team to let him out of his contract. At the very least it’s hard to imagine the Padres just letting Bob Melvin go to the Giants scott free. Especially, considering what happened with Bruce Bochy winning three championships with the Giants just over a decade ago.

Is Bob Melvin Leaving the Padres?

So is all of this ambiguity simply posturing for the Padres? Is it to keep leverage in negotiations of any team that does want to try to give them compensation for their manager? Or do the Padres think what they’ve stated is sufficient enough to answer the big elephant in the room question?

At first, I thought personally it was about 90% that Bob was going to come back. As time goes on, it appears more and more uncertain if the Padres will run it back with Bob Melvin in 2024. Despite anything they have said.

So the question still remains. “What About Bob?” Is his future the Padres, or Giants?

Interestingly, right after I finished composing this article. Dennis Lin and Andrew Baggarly of The Athletic, reports that Bob Melvin has received permission to interview for the manager of the Giants; and has been assured that he would be a top candidate for the position before agreeing to participate in interviews.

So… When AJ Preller said Melvin was 100% coming back. He apparently meant back to the Bay area and back to the NL West division, but not back to the Padres. It seems the only way to keep AJ Preller from firing Managers is for him to be the manager himself.

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