Alex Smith Said Tom Brady Played in Most Uncompetitive NFL Division

Alex Smith Said Tom Brady Played in Most Uncompetitive NFL Division- Despite His Own “Mediocre” Career

Former NFL QB Alex Smith woke up and chose violence. Alex Smith Said Tom Brady Played in Most Uncompetitive NFL Division in professional football history. Which is hilarious, because he’s loud and extremely wrong.

Tom in his era absolutely dominates EVERYONE. His numbers show him literally beating every team and division. Just humor us and take a peek at Brady’s win percentages below.


NFC West: 62 %
NFC East: 85 %
NFC North: 81%
NFC South: 71%

AFC West: 62%
AFC East: 80%
AFC North: 72%
AFC South: 77%

As one can see, in Brady’s case, divisions do not matter. He kicks everyone’s butts. Every division had an over 60% chance of losing with him on the field.

Furthermore, Smith’s comments are coming from a place hurt. How so? Alex’s remark about Tom comes from Brady’s statement about there being “a lot of mediocrity” in today’s NFL.

Obviously, the word “mediocrity” strongly resonates with Smith; since his career legacy is being traded and winning a couple of playoff games. Moreover, most guys would gladly trade their Pro Bowl accolades for some actual Super Bowl champion hardware. However, since Pro Bowls are all that Smith has going for him; it’s easy to see why his feelings could be hurt and threatened by a guy who played in multiple Super Bowls he never got to with any team.

Tom Brady despite winning seven Super Bowls continues to be the most disrespected athlete. Everyone wants to muddy or diminish his legacy.  They aim to discover some theory that proves that Brady is not as elite as his career clearly demonstrates. Instead of just taking the logical route; and admit he is truly the GOAT.

Alex Smith Said Tom Brady Played in Most Uncompetitive NFL Division- Despite His Own “Mediocre” Career

Nonetheless, this is territory that Brady is familiar with now. Constantly having to take shots. With an often unfair dissection of his career.

For instance, it’s not too long ago that a vast majority was saying that “Brady is just a system QB.” Or how about this one, “he owes his career to Belichick.” Yet, what does history show?

Well, it shows him going to Tampa Bay and winning another Super Bowl. While Belichick now has a losing record as a coach after Brady’s departure. Oh how the tide turns.

Additionally, you can not get to the Super Bowl without having to beat teams IN and OUTSIDE of your division. You can’t win a Super Bowl without beating a team in the opposite league. Therefore, the argument of Brady being in a weak division is “weak” reasoning.

It’s also funny since Smith spent the majority of his career in the NFC West and could not beat the Rams, Cardinals or Seahawks. The Cardinals have never won a SB. Rams won a SB one year after Alex retires (their first since 1999). And really only kind of had to contend with the Seahawks who garnered 3 NFC championships and won a SB in 2014 (which is 2 years after Smith moves to a different division anyway, being traded to the Chiefs).

Therefore, it sounds like Smith’s 1st division was pretty soft and quite winnable. However, Smith would have to admit to being… well… mediocre. And he doesn’t like that word too much.

Alex Smith Disses Tom Brady- Fails Miserably

Yet, you can show people stats, percentages and straight up facts, and it won’t matter. Individuals like Alex Smith want to believe what they want; despite what the evidence reveals. Yet, who should we listen to when it comes to discussing the “mediocrity of the NFL?” A player who never sniffed a SB championship game and was ditched for other talents like Kaepernick and Patrick Mahomes; (now a 2-time champ)? Or a player who’s won more than any NFL quarterback in the history of the game?

Seriously, wouldn’t the GOAT know what mediocrity looks like? He’s faced and easily beat it! However, Alex Smith wouldn’t understand; or be able to relate; because most of his career he was mainly preoccupied with losing. Shame.

BTW… 49ers are winning their division. Guess Smith will have beef Mr. Irrelevant next.

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