Women’s Triathlon Takes Place at Paris Olympics Despite Toxic Water Concerns

Women’s Triathlon Takes Place at Paris Olympics Despite Toxic Water Concerns

Yes or no? The big question of the week. Would this endurance Olympic event come to fruition; or would it ultimately be canceled? Organizers decided to let things proceed and the Women’s Triathlon took place at the Paris Olympics despite toxic water concerns.

To some, the triathlon event for the women going on as scheduled is a bit surprising. Especially after months of concerns regarding the toxic Seine water. A big culprit? Levels of E. coli — an indicator of fecal matter. However, France spent over one billion dollars to clean up the Seine in order to get it ready for the Summer Games as well as future swimming for Parisians.

However, despite such efforts the Seine still seemed to be quite polluted. An unfortunate development since the route to be taken by the athletes is so picturesque with sights of the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Musee d’ Orsay, Champs-Elysees and Alexander III Bridge. Nonetheless, the Associated Press reported on the contamination issue stating,

“Elevated levels of bacteria in the river pushed the men’s race originally planned for Tuesday to Wednesday, when the women’s competition had been scheduled. Test events meant to allow the athletes to familiarize themselves with the course had already been canceled for the same reason on Sunday and Monday.

Organizers said they will try to hold the men’s triathlon Wednesday instead. The women’s competition also is scheduled that day, but both will only happen if water tests show acceptable levels of E. coli and other bacteria. Friday is also planned as a backup date.

High levels of E. coli in water can indicate contamination from sewage. Most strains are harmless and some live in the intestines of healthy people and animals. But others can be dangerous. Even a mouthful of contaminated water can lead to diarrhea, and the germ can cause illnesses such as infections in the urinary tract or in the intestines.”

Scary. But the show went on anyway. Even with rainfall, which experts explained can tend to make the situation worse. However, the athletes themselves seemed unperturbed about the water. They hopped on in and energetically swam through the Seine. Then, moved on to the next aspect of competition, the 7 lap (every lap is 3.5 miles) bike ride.

At this point of the triathlon (an event where the entire race takes around 2 hours to finish), there ends up being a group of 10 cyclists leading the pack. Including the American, Taylor Spivey. Athletes from France, Great Britain, Norway and Germany are also in this same group.

After the multiple bike laps are complete, it is time for the last part of the event. The run. 4 laps of a mile and a half course. When it begins the pack is down to just 9.

The rain had made the roads extremely slippery and slick and many athletes found themselves crashing with their bikes. Such crashes is really what separated the lead pack from everyone else.

Women’s Triathlon Takes Place at Paris Olympics Despite Toxic Water Concerns

However, once the final run commences, Taylor Spivey begins to fall behind but remains in the top ten. In the end, the home country would get the glory! France’s Cassandre Beaugrand wins the women’s triathlon in Paris (with the time of 1:54:55); with teammate Lombardi finishing in fourth place. Beaugrand is also France’s first Olympic triathlon champion.

American Taylor Spivey would stay in the top ten. Finishing the race 2 minutes behind the gold medal winner. Coming in at tenth place. Spivey’s USA teammate, Taylor Knibb, would finish the triathlon in 19th place.

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