2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony: Every Moment and All The Details

The 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony begins with a video. Immediately audiences see sights and sounds of Paris. From bistros to the gorgeous architecture of the various buildings. However, there’s a dilemma.

The torch has accidentally arrived at Stade de France. Therefore, the Olympic Torch needs to get back to Paris. Who will help?

It is Zinedine Zidane to the rescue! He takes the burning torch from a very flustered French man. Zidane is widely regarded as one of the best soccer players in the sport’s history, Zidane is responsible for 31 goals in 108 international appearance for the French national soccer team.

Zinedine begins running through the streets. Fast as he can. Jumping, leaping and knocking things over. Passing by popular places and eventually getting to the metro. He’s a model citizen though, he buys a ticket to ride.

Some children seeing him with the torch follow him into the metro station. The train suddenly malfunctions. Seeing the kids outside a window, Zidane passes the torch to them and tells them to run towards Paris. The kids immediately do so.

Down the dark tunnel they run. They run at full speed taking a turn and end up walking through the eerie catacombs. An alligator attacks them, but then there’s a boat! However, will they trust the mysterious figure inside. It is a masked man rowing in dark ominous clothing. At first thought, the gamer in us wondered… Assassin’s Creed? But most likely, the hooded, masked figure carrying the Olympic torch — is an homage to the Phantom of the Opera.

The kids think YOLO and get in the boat with “Mr. Mysterious” and the they row off.

2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

Throughout the ceremony a number of themes are presented. They are:

It Will Be Okay

The mysterious masked man eventually takes the torch from the children. And begins his journey. On a quest to deliver the Olympic torch in time. Throughout the ceremony you see him popping up all over Paris. Even performing parkour stunts and break dancing during a Parisian fashion show along the Seine.

However, while the man of mystery gets on his way the parade of countries begins simultaneously. Greece of course kicked off the delegation. With one boat representing each country; parading down the Seine towards the Eiffel Tower. The Olympic Games began in Greece. So it is only fitting for the country to have the honor and prestige of being presented first.

Refugee Olympic Team was next. Afterwards to join the parade is: Afghanistan, South Africa, Albania, Algeria, Germany, Andorra; Angola, Antiqua And Barbuda and Saudi Arabia. Then, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba; Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, and Bahrain make their way down the Seine.

The parade goes on pause for a quick performance. The singer? Lady Gaga! Who gives a perfect French showgirl entertaining concert, even including the piano. With pink and white feather props for even more flair and drama. Think Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

Then it is back to the parading boats. Audiences watch Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei and Bulgaria. Burundi, Cape Verdi, Cayman Islands, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, China and so on and on. The 2024 Paris Olympics will involve around 10,500 athletes representing 205 delegations, including the refugee team.

However, this ceremony is a celebration, so more dancing ensues. From pink Can-Can ladies to bellboys moving huge Louis Vuitton trunks. With one trunk carrying “all” of the Olympic medals. By the way, each medal that will be presented to the winners contains a sliver of the Eiffel Tower. A nice keepsake indeed!

Nevertheless, at this point of the show, Michael Phelps makes a wonderful brief appearance. An excellent addition to the opening ceremony. Being that he has won the most Olympic medals in the history of the Games. In case you’re wondering his medal count is 28.

Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

However, viewers can’t focus on Michael’s greatness for long; for the iconic bells of Notre Dame ring! With the sounds of Les Miserable echoing. Ending with shots of the cast on stage. The bells at the Notre Dame sounded for the first time since a 2019 fire that caused extensive damage to the famous cathedral. The landmark, which finished construction in 1345, has received extensive restorations since the cathedral’s spire collapsed.

But then, it is time for a theme change. An emblem representing Marie Antionette flashes across the Paris views (actually it’s her guillotined); as a rock band begins playing. This is all denoting the French Revolution. Bursts of fire spring up all around the band, with red confetti and red smoke clouds shooting off everywhere. A real production.

An opera singer beautifully sings on her own boat. As a montage of “French clichés” plays giving audiences a glimpse of the country’s culture. From literature to the arts.

Afterwards the Pont de la Concorde (a bridge) is lit with the Olympic torch by the mysterious masked man; the party really begins! A golden performance by popular French singer Aya Nakamura. Nevertheless, the mask torch bearer continues his way through Paris going to the iconic Louvre. Passing by the famous artworks and sculptures.

The parade commences again and a couple interviews occur with some familiar faces. Hint: basketball. Yes, WNBA’s Aja Wilson and NBA’s Steph Curry discuss their excitement to compete. By the way Ralph Lauren designed the attire for Team USA.

But uh oh, there’s trouble on the horizon. As a pianist plays you hear suspenseful tunes. We see the masked torch bearer still in the Lourve, but… a painting is missing and there’s a large hole in the museum floor. Can you think of a popular painting that would be taken?

Summer Games Opening Ceremony at 2024 Olympics

But before we can get to the bottom of who stole what. The cute, funny yellow Minions make an appearance. And of course chaos ensues. If you’re wondering why the Minions are even here, a French production company animates them. But then AHA! After being blown into the water, the Minions and the Mona Lisa painting float up towards the surface. In the next moment, the Mona Lisa can be seen floating down the Seine River. No doubt a reproduction.

Theres over 200 statues of men in Paris, but only about 40 of women. So then, to showcase more of their influential women, statues of French legendary women begin emerging from the depths of the Seine.

But then, the moment Americans have been waiting for occurs during the 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony . Team USA! There are 314 women and 278 men on Team USA, making this the fourth consecutive Olympic Games with more women than men on the team. This summer, 46 states are sending their hometown heroes to compete against the best athletes in the world.

So then, if our math is mathing. This means there are 592 athletes on Team USA. All ready to bring some hardware back to the States.

The last country to parade is of course, the host country. France. While the United States has the largest delegation, France still boasts 573 athletes.

John Lennon’s Imagine is then performed. It is now a tradition, dating back to the 90s. Getting its start when Stevie Wonder gave his rendition of the song, with the Morehouse College Glee Club, during the closing ceremony of the 1996 Summer Olympics as a tribute to the victims of the Centennial Olympic Park bombing.

More Action at 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

After the moving performance. A silvery horse is seen galloping down the Seine (going a distance of 3.7 miles). With a rider with a cape with the Olympic rings… thus representing the spirit of the Olympics. Throughout the ride a video montage plays of all the modern day Olympic Games. From black and white photographs and videos to vibrant color. An excellent edit of immense historical detail and significance.

Upon arrival at the Eiffel Tower. The rider and his horse leads a procession of all the world’s flags. Showing how the Olympics brings the whole world together. The horsemen then walks and delivers the Olympic flag, which is lifted up as the Olympic anthem plays. After a few appropriate speeches the Games commence!

Now it is time to finish delivering the Olympic torch. Zinedine Zidane returns to begin the parade of athletes that will lead to the lighting of cauldron. It’s beautiful… the Eiffel Tower sparkles proudly in the recesses. Putting on a gorgeous light show display.

Rafael Nadal takes the torch next and boards a boat; handing off the torch to Serena Williams, Nadia Comaneci, as well as Carl Lewis. The boat docks and the torch goes to another athlete who runs to the magnificent Louvre handing off to NBA star Tony Parker. French Paralympic athletes, a handball player, track cyclists, gymnast, swimming champion, a pole vaulter all take turns with the torch. Leading up to the oldest living Olympic French athlete who turned 100.

Final Moments of 2024 Paris Opening Ceremony

However, finally the athletes reach the unlit cauldron. Then it is time for the final hand off. Marie-José Pérec and Teddy Riner lit the Olympic cauldron to officially inaugurate the 2024 Games.

The cauldron represented the innovation of flight. A hot air balloon cauldron lifts, flying high above the stunning city of Paris. The first ‘aerostatic’ balloon flight in history was an experiment carried out by the Montgolfier brothers-at Versailles in 1783. Yes, a balloon made by 2 French brothers, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier. The balloon was launched from the centre of Paris and flew for a period of 20 minutes. It is the birth of hot air ballooning.

It is this region that France decides to light the cauldron. Magnificent choice! This historical element is yet another wonderful touch to the ceremony. Showcasing not only the beauty of the city. But the innovative spirit that thrives there.

Nonetheless, the real highlight and exclamation point after the lighting of cauldron was a breathtaking performance by the legendary Celine Dion! A well kept surprise that stuns sports fans. Dion, who is battling a neurological illness sounded angelic, and looked it, in a mesmerizing white gown. Giving chills to all who heard her heard and her melodic vocals.

Celine ends the opening ceremony. And it is the perfect ending. A woman who has entertained, endured and inspired so many around the world. Now, it is the athletes turn. To inspire generations, to display endurance and entertain us all.

Indeed, the Summer Olympics are here. It is finally time to experience new moments and witness the biggest moments in sports history. May the Games begin!


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